Sunday, September 28, 2014

Flag waving

Do we really need a new flag to wave

Travelling abroad I have always found it amusing how different countries are so keen to wave their respective flags. While I don't actively disrespect the New Zealand ensign, I can't be bothered getting into a fight about my flag is bigger than yours.
Honestly being proud of ones flag seems to be more a case for people of nations that have little else to be proud of, or where they do have pride it is fallacious.
For example Americans waving the Stars and Stripes will often quote how they have one lots of wars.
Is winning wars, killing many native Americans, fighting among yourselves and being the only country to use the Hydrogen bomb to kill civilians, honestly something to be proud of. If it is I don't want to be proud of my country or the flag.

So having said that for our Prime Minister I believe our new flag should represent our future status as a territory of the TPPA. We just replace the Union Jack with the Stars and Stripes.

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