Saturday, September 27, 2014

A new position for Labour

Labour leadership debate is irrelevant Labour needs to change its position,

The NZ labour party has failed in three consecutive elections for a number of reasons. The two main reasons are Position and  Leadership. However the Postion of Labour must be corrected before any other changes are made.
Questions remain about Labour's Position. Is it a centrist party? Is it a the lefty leaning party?

Reasons why position is important.

  1. If you don't know your own Position how can you communicate it to others. Allowing them to identify with the party.
  2. Without a Position there is not a consistent nature to the party policies.
  3.  Without Position, a party can not form a vision and a electoral strategy.

My suggestion is that NZ Labour needs to move to the far left, which has now been vacated by Hone and the Mana movement. And then progressively begin pushing towards the center. The only other party in the left is the Green party. Labour needs to stay to the left of the Green party and push the Green Party to the right and to become a middle of the road party along with NZ First and the Maori Party.
If  NZ Labour were to get started with this now it may well be achievable that by 2017 the party will be capable of forming alliances with some of the middle of the road parties to form a Government.

Thus the leadership of the party must be secondary to forming a new position for the party. As once the party's position is established the leader must lead from that new position. Any new leader appointed now should only be considered a transitional leader.

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